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Veterans Ride Mountain Bikes at Dodge Ridge with "Disconnect to Reconnect" and "Veterans MTB"

Picture this: a group of Veterans, gathering at the Dodge Ridge Mountain Resort, swapping stories, laughing, eating great food, and gearing up for a day of mountain biking excitement. It's not just about the adrenaline-pumping trails; it's about these Veterans finding common ground, support, comradery and a chance to deal with the challenges they face, like PTSD.

Riding the chair lift aat Dodge Ridge, Disconnect to Reconnect, D2RVets, and VeteransMTB riding Mountain Bikes at Dodge Ridge

Life after military service isn't always easy, and things like PTSD can make the transition even harder. That's where groups like "Disconnect to Reconnect" and "Veterans MTB" step in. They understand that hitting the trails can do wonders for mental well-being. The rush of biking coupled with the serenity of nature can work wonders in helping veterans reconnect—not only with nature but also with each other. It's like a reminder that they're not alone in their struggles.

Group of Veterans Mountain Biking, Disconnect to Reconnect, D2RVets, and VeteransMTB riding Mountain Bikes at Dodge Ridge

The recent gathering at Dodge Ridge Mountain Resort is just the beginning. It's like a sneak peek into the exciting things these organizations have in store. Think multi-day adventures, camping trips, and visits to other awesome bike parks. These plans aren't just about the thrill of it all; they're about creating a community where Veterans can feel comfortable sharing their stories, finding inspiration, and growing together.

Group of Veterans Mountain Biking, Disconnect to Reconnect, D2RVets, and VeteransMTB riding Mountain Bikes at Dodge Ridge

As we look back on the day spent at Dodge Ridge, one thing is clear: this collaboration between "Disconnect to Reconnect" and "Veterans MTB" is about more than just biking. It's about finding a way to navigate life's challenges alongside fellow Veterans who get it. With the support of places like Dodge Ridge, these groups are showing that there's a way to heal by disconnecting from the stress and reconnecting with the healing power of nature, all while riding bikes and building lasting friendships. This is just the start of the adventure, and the road ahead promises even more excitement and positive change.

Thank you Dodge Ridge for having us out!

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